Find your vibe

What is Vibespot?

Vibespot is a social mapping platform which helps you discover what’s happening now around you.

Express your Vibes as rich icons on the map that disappear in less than a day

See a bird’s eye view of the world with interactive map curated by our vibrant community


Spot vibes anywhere in the world as they happen
Popular vibes stand out more, and every “like” counts
The heatmap shows pockets of activity
Navigate using search and location-specific tags


Pick from thousands of icons to express your vibe
Pin your vibe to a venue or your location
Add tags to make your vibe easier to find


Share a map of specific location, tag, user or your own vibes
Adjust the view before your share
Share out as a link or a snapshot

Vibe Icons

Vibes are more fun with the right icons.
We may not have the right icon for your vibe yet, but you can help.
Help us build the most expressive vibe library for our community
Content creators map

It will be an unforgettable party! Do not miss!
#party #tomorrow
Tomorrow at 1:00 pm

Verified Publishers

Web tool for batch posting events
Advanced publication options
Schedule future posts and recurring events